Le Miroir

Stories to share

by Estefania Barreto-Ojeda


Data Visualization Data Science

Software Development Publications and others
Ipsum Feugiat

Scientific Software

Rhoncus Semper

Data Visualization in Data Science

Magna Nullam

Data Science Fellowship

Natoque Vitae

Machine Learning for Biologists [UofC]

Dolor Penatibus

Voronoi maps

Orci Convallis

Slides on Jupyter

About Me

Estefania Barreto-Ojeda was born in Bogotá, Colombia, where she obtained her B.Sc. in Physics at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. After finishing her M.Sc. in Physics at Instituto Balseiro, in Argentina, she then crossed the continent all the way up to Canada, to pursue a Ph.D. in Biophysical Chemistry at University of Calgary. She obtained her Ph.D. degree in 2022.

Estefania's research interests mix state-of-the-art computational tools and statistical analysis to study biological systems with medical and pharmaceutical relevance. Everything about automation and performance is of great interest to her! Currently, she works as a Machine Learning Engineer at Recursion Pharmaceuticals where she develops and maintains pipelines for drug discovery. Estefania is also a data visualization fan and an open-source enthusiast.

In her free time, she enjoys camping and road-tripping in the Canadian Rockies and going for long bike rides. She also tries to improves her sushi-making and baking skills in case another pandemic happens.

You can find her leaning towards the left.